Maybe you have wondered who or what is Kali? Black as coal and stark naked, her red tongue lolling out, a sting of hands on her waist, a wild head of hair reaching to her hips…what is this image?
Is it a demoness? Is it evil?
No it is a symbol born from the minds of the great tantrics, who for the very first time, reevaluated the role and status of women in society!
Now is the time, to honor the Goddess, in women, children and men and in all of creation! For everything breathes! Everything is alive, in some level of consciousness!
On the topic of this seemingly bizarre and scary AF imagery, like seriously! What were they thinking? But once you go beyond the BS and start looking at what each symbol means, it all seems to fit together. It all makes sense.
Kali is the one who breathes and births, nourishes and sustains, then erases and destroys all of creation! All of infinite space! All the possible clusters of multiverses!
The image of Kali is an attempt to decipher and describe some attributes of this divine feminine power which is abstract and can never be known in all her glory!
The Ancients tantrics of Bengal, Nepal and Tibet knew of this Kali; the mother matrix in all her forms is Purna Sakar or the Personified Absoluteness. In all the Universes and multiverses, the power that manifests all forms that are visible is known as Kali in Tantra.
Tantrics view everything as an organic whole!
They knew this feminine power is best worshiped as mother. Yes Kali can be invoked as lover or even as daughter, but they decided to call her maa. A mother forgives, a mother accepts and a mother protects.
Ramakrishna, the Mahayogi from Bengal, realized this feminine energy both as mother, daughter and lover. There is a story of how he worshiped his consort Sarada maa as the Goddess and experienced parashakti as his lover! There was nothing rational about the way Ramakrishna meditated or prayed. His utterances were ecstatic and he followed whatever his heart told him to do. He even tasted the fruits he offered the goddess and this was unthinkable to the brahmins of that day who were hardcore traditionalists. They derided him, insulted him, an even tried to do away with him. But nothing took him away from his maa. Nothing! And he was later accepted as an avatar by these very brahmins and scholars.
Kali came to play with the eminent devotional poet Pannalal Bhattacharya, who penned some of the most poignant renditions of the genre that came to be called Shyamasangeet which has since then, inspired millions to grasp this abstract principle in some sort of tangible way.
This is why the tantrics accept every woman as a symbol of this Kali and pay reverence to her energy, beauty and glory. Every woman is sacred for she is the living, breathing Goddess. She is to be loved and revered.
The tantrics knew that everything emanates from this power and the feminine is the closest representation to this power in the 3d world. Kumari Puja is where a little girl is worshiped as the Goddess and many other such rituals worshiping every facet of the feminine became central to tantra. From child to mother to crone. From menstruation to widowhood.
To the tantric, Kali is the answer to all suffering; the divine goddess from whom all emanates, who is one without a second; she is the Parshakti.
Until Guru, Atman and Ishta are not experienced within, this long arduous journey of pain and suffering will never end.
What do I mean by that?
They are not so much external elements as they are archetypes within. The Guru archetype awakens within when you are ready to explore the intricate spiritual Universe and the Guru leads you Atman. Atman is the Higher self and finally Ishta is Kali herself who awakens within us the greatest of spiritual experiences. Now we’re Woke AF!
They are one and the same- Guru, Ishta and Atman and they are all Kali. Nothing is separate from another. The Universe and all multiverses are made of the same essence.
A tantric applies bhasma to her forehead. Bhasma is the ashes of the physical body. This reminds her of the temporal nature of reality and the bhasma is a symbol of the Atman,which is indestructible. This bhasma is our internal essence, it holds our vibration.
To find Kali’s lotus feet, one must look beyond the illusions of the matrix, although Kali herself is the matrix. She is Maya, also known as Mahamaya, or the great illusion. But she is the only one who can break this illusion!
Is that a paradox or what! Now do you see how important it is to understand the feminine power behind all of creation?
I mean, you can choose to call her Kali, Diana, Isis, Demeter, Morrigan…it is the same…this abstract feminine principle that creates the male energy as a stage to manifest multiverses is what we need to study, understand and love.
Learn to love Kali in an exclusive one on one workshop with me~
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Tags: Feminism, Goddess, Love, Mind, mother, philosophy, Quantum, Shakti, women
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great read. she also Coatlicue at the center of the aztec calendar. lilith addams first wife the serpent godess also Coatlicue had a dress made of snakes coincedence no way. time after time she is reincarnated st lkike the manifestation of god jesus. great article though
the snake is represented as evil always but i dont see it that way at all. i see the serpent as a symbol of fertilety and rebirth. think of the snake sheding its skin once amonth is kinda like having your period. your menstrual cycle is the process of beeing born again. lilith was able to handle and grasp this concept ulnike adam who couldnt handle the truth as jack nicholson says, or shall i say jack a nickel from yeah sun, everything we no as good is probably bad and wat is bad is probably goodving upside down