Below is an introduction to my work on Spirit Possession and on Contacting the Afterlife.
I come from Bengal, a land where ghosts and spirits are a part of the traditional Bengali culture, myths and folklore. Ghosts and phantoms have always been a part of my life and I have been dealing with them since I can remember.
So what exactly is spirit work? And wtf are spirits? Demons? Entities?
I am writing this piece so it becomes easier to explain to potential clients what work I do and how I do it. If you desire to consult with me, then email me.
The spirit world exists. You know that. This hologram has shadows we are incapable of discerning. And how do we discern anything? Our limited consciousness in this form sees less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hears even less of the acoustic. How can you then decide that you have the apt interpretation of the hologram?
People like me do exist. We are workers of energy, whether it be physical emotional or spiritual. Healers like me approach you with sacredness and love. We strip away layers of energy, whether it be through touch, gaze and hug or we chip away emotional debris through meditation, mantras, astrology and tarot. Some of us also work with your etheric energy. And we work in creating harmony and dispersing any energy vampire that you may have gathered over the years.
A daemon, sprite, or ghost. People usually conceive of a ghost as a wandering spirit from a being no longer living, having survived the death of the body yet maintaining at least vestiges of mind and consciousness.~~ Wikipedia
Entities or demons(in want of a better word) are creations of your own mind that have managed to gain 3d traction and have appeared, literally out of thin air into our world. Now look, I have observed the trend of some people on Youtube working with DEMONOLOGY actually blaming the demons for Trump or for Brexit. Things are a bit complicated I am afraid and not that simple.
WE CREATE THE DEMONS FROM OUR MIND AND THEY MANIFEST AS REAL ENTITIES. Have you heard of the urban legend of Slenderman? Kinda like that. Whatever thought forms you put out, the ether creates that form from your thoughts. That is how all the monsters and demons are real. If you can think of them, they exist. Frightening? It need not be so. They are illusions right. Then why are you so scared of the illusion? It’s like a horror film. You know that the bodies will be hacked to pieces or an eye ripped out, you won’t be shocked. You will know what to expect. But will you be so afraid that you lose yourself in fear? No. You know this is HOSTEL and you know what to expect. You watch the atrocities take place without any fear of danger. In fact this acts as a catharsis which is why horror is actually good for you. The point is DETACHMENT and DISCERNMENT.
Demons and entities may be many types and there are INFINITE ways to deal with them as long as you remain true to compassion and kindness. The Bodhisattva attitude is the only one that can work with exorcism. Treating demons and entities with kindness can be as important as banishing and punishing them. I think kindness is more important. Yes some of them want to hurt and cause suffering, but once you take the time to understand why….everything falls into place.
The Hellenistic Greeks divided daemons into good and evil categories: agathodaímōn (ἀγαθοδαίμων “noble spirit”), from agathós (ἀγαθός “good, brave, noble, moral, lucky, useful”), and kakodaímōn (κακοδαίμων “malevolent spirit”), from kakós (κακός “bad, evil”).
They resemble the jinn (or genie) of Arab folklore, and in their humble efforts to help mediate the good and ill fortunes of human life, they resemble the Christian guardian angel and adversarial demon, respectively. Eudaimonia(εὐδαιμονία), the state of having a eudaemon, came to mean “well-being” or “happiness”. The comparable Roman concept is the genius who accompanies and protects a person or presides over a place. ~~Wiki
CARL JUNG saw and worked with many entities. Aleister Crowley speaks of Jung “we see Science gracefully bowing her maiden brows before her old father, Magic”. Quantum Mechanics is now holding the torch that blends and blurs the line between physics and metaphysics.
He even wrote the forward on the first translation of the BARDO THODOL. A book that is invaluable when dealing with death and the afterlife. And it is written by my Soul Teacher, Guru Padmasambhava. It was hidden for several hundred years, but eventually it was discovered. This created the first set of PSYCHONAUTS. Yogis who traversed the space/time continuum in the depths of their psyche. Tibetan spirituality echoes the findings of Quantum Mechanics. We create our reality. The reality in front of us is a projection of our minds. I have always been a PSYCHONAUT or a PSYCHOPOMP, just like our dear Mercury. Souls, souls, souls…I have to be there for them….
In fact CARL JUNG used to be one of my Gurus till I heard he was a rapist.
He was Jung’s trickiest patient, the toughest nut the great analyst had ever tried to crack. Known by the code name, “CG”, he had already suffered a complete mental breakdown and occasional bouts of delirium. He had a weakness for séances and alchemy. He was incapable of showing affection towards his children or his wife. He saw ghosts and UFOs. He believed his dreams were prophecies. He was none other than Carl Gustav Jung. As his English translator RFC?l observed, “Jung was a walking asylum himself, as well as its head physician.” ~~TELEGRAPH
I cannot explain my life better than this metaphor. Yes I am a walking asylum too as well as the Head Healer! As most of you know who are reading this that I feel energies, entities and other paranormal phenomenon. Did you notice the word feel? Not see. I often do “see” things, but their veracity can never be ascertained due to what we know as false memories. But feelings do not lie. Strong empathic resonance which draws you away from the 3d into the world of the dead. Why do I go there? Why do I have LUCID DREAMS? Why do I work with the dead?
It’s my karma and obviously it is your karma to read this…
I know it stems from the desire to be a BODHISATTVA who helps and guides the souls through the wheel of samasara to gain ULTIMATE LIBERATION. Now the Bodhisattva understands one thing. This wheel or hologram that we exist in, cannot be broken unless every single person attains liberation. This SELF ACTUALIZATION is a quest we all have to undertake at some point or the other.
The Bodhisattva has decided to incarnate into suffering so that he can help other work through the GREAT ILLUSION or MAYA. Science is now finally catching up with statements like REALITY IS NOT REAL. WE LIVE IN A HOLOGRAM. So on and so forth.
Finally there is an awareness that all that is is not just in the physical realm. Yes this 3d is a big part of it, but it is not everything. It was actually some 12 years ago, with JUPITER IN SCORPIO that I began to really be contacted by the spirit world. It was scary, but, even when I felt fear, there was a sense of familiarity. Like I knew I was doing my karma.
Sometimes the 3d world held sway and I functioned, but sometimes I found myself lost in lucid dreams, speaking and working with people in the ether. I do not always bring back the memories. Which is why I began to work with the tarot, using it as a very powerful medium for spirit divination. I also used spices, throwing them onto a white cloth to see what kind of patterns they formed. Spices are very powerful to work with the afterlife. Smells are very important and some types of entities feed off by smelling.
In Bengal, we have a ritual to appease angry ancestral spirits and seek spiritual protection. We put luchi(fried flat bread) and sweets under a PEEPAL TREE. We also light diyas, leave some kumkum and incense. There are entities that live on trees and they are called YAKSHAS and YAKSHINIS. They can help you with possession issues if appeased and propitiated. This is a small example.
Yakshas are a broad class of nature-spirits, usually benevolent, but sometimes mischievous and sexually aggressive or capricious caretakers of the natural treasures hidden in the earth and tree roots…but there is also a darker version of the yakṣa, which is a kind of ghost (bhuta) that haunts the wilderness and waylays and devours travelers, similar to the rakṣasas..~Wiki
It is not always easy to ascertain what kind of entity we are dealing with.
Sometimes I use pendulums, sometimes coins and if there is much work to be done with an entity, I do offer myself as a medium to channel the dead. I use AUTOMATIC WRITING and deep awareness meditation to speak to spirits. However, I do not mess around with the ether and the interdimensional folk or even the shadow people. They are best left alone, unless you know they need help.
Entities are affected by energized salt. Salt, especially PINK HIMALAYAN ROCK SALT if incanted upon, can be used as a lethal arsenal against entity possession. The easiest way to work on clearing the energies would be a salt foot bath after you have had a facilitator send you energy and protect your aura and your energy field. If you can, you should go for a full rejuvenating salt dip in a tub. Mud baths work wonders after entity clearance ritual and meditation. This is my own experience.
Sam van Schaik, from the 12th centuryspoke on the great role that was assigned to Padmasambhava in the introduction of tantric Buddhism into Tibet: According to earlier histories, Padmasambhava had given some tantric teachings to Tibetans before being forced to leave due to the suspicions of the Tibetan court. But from the twelfth century an alternative story, itself a terma discovery, gave Padmasambhava a much greater role in the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet, and in particular credited him with travelling all over the country to convert the local spirits to Buddhism.
The main ideas and systems I use for entity possession stems from Tibetan, Shaivite and Shakta Tantra of Bengal. My main text is the BARDO THODOL, or the Tibetan Book of the Dead. It is a 1200 years old and is probably the most philosophical and spiritually enriching way to deal with the dead.
Many of the BARDO stages can be used as meditation during entity contact. The BARDO THODOL if read to a possessed person, may help in guiding the troubled soul who is haunting to pass on to the Ultimate Liberation.
In fact the key thing to understand is that if you are being haunted, the chances are that the soul haunting you has just passed and is scared. Each soul is terrified at the time of death and the BARDO THODOL teaches equanimity on the face of such challenge.
Through the stages of the BARDO, there is possibility of Nirvana, only if the soul disassociates from the experiences that play out. Each BARDO has a set of experiences.
In fact, for those who have lost someone to death, let me explain how the soul travels through the BARDOS. At first there is a WHITE LIGHT. That is called the GREAT LUMINOSITY.
From that light, the soul travels to different dimensions and keeps having a plethora of enriching and horrifying experiences. The FIRST BARDO stage is very pleasant. Situations and scenarios that appeal to us appear here. The soul can get stuck with the beauty of this BARDO, but the facilitator is there to remind her that, HEY IT IS TIME TO MOVE ON…
The next BARDO is freaking terrifying. Have you seen the wrathful emanations of the HERUKAS- Yamantaka, Cakrasamvara, Mahākāla, or Vajrakilaya? They are scary and demonic. So as this BARDO STAGE dawns, the soul is confronted by horrible demons and wrathful deities. Now again here the soul can get stuck with fear and become immobile. The soul then starts haunting when she/he becomes crystallized in a person of 3d because he or she was unable to move through the BARDOS. It is my job to remind the soul not to be afraid. Fear vibration does not work, only silent detachment. The observer.
My work as a SPIRIT and ENTITY FACILITATOR is to remind the soul that all the BARDOS are illusory, like the hologram we live in.
The copulation images that the soul sees is all about POLARITY and division of the male/female. It is now time for REBIRTH. My job maybe finished, sometimes not.
In ordinary life holograms are images that appear three-dimensional, but are created, through clever tricks, by a two-dimensional surface. When it comes to the Universe, the idea is that all the physics that happens in the world is, in a sense, generated by happenings on a two-dimensional boundary surface. “Imagine that everything you see, feel and hear in three dimensions (and your perception of time) in fact emanates from a flat two-dimensional field,” says Kostas Skenderis of the University of Southampton, one of the authors of the new research. “The idea is similar to that of ordinary holograms where a three-dimensional image is encoded in a two-dimensional surface, such as in the hologram on a credit card. However, this time, the entire Universe is encoded!” Marianne Freiberger
This reality is not real. It emanates from a SOURCE CODE. We are CODE. As the world is unreal, so are the BARDOS and it is my work to remind the soul that. Move on from the GREAAT ILLUSION, move on to the GREAT WHITE LIGHT. CENTER YOURSELF, Ground yourself is what I need to remind the entity. Believe me, most of the times, they want to move on as badly as we want them to. I just want them to know that RECOGNIZE THE BARDO.
I do use salts, incense, mantras, oils, feathers, crystals and other magickal artifacts while working with spirit possession. The key approach here is to make the spirit feel less scared. As soon as they ADJUST and BALANCE, they move through the BARDOS. Sometimes in the 3d reality, I forget that this samsaric wheel is the GREAT ILLUSION, but I realize the importance of doing this work to help guide souls to move on.
The final confrontation of the BARDO is with YAMA, who is the GOD OF DEATH. I use special meditation, intention and imagery to get the soul used to YAMA. We all have to face YAMA at the end of our lives.
In Tibetan Buddhism, Shinje (Tibetan: གཤིན་རྗེ་, Gshin.rje) is both regarded with horror as the prime mover of the cycle of death and rebirth and revered as a guardian of spiritual practice. In the popular mandala of the Bhavachakra, all of the realms of life are depicted between the jaws or in the arms of a monstrous Shinje. Shinje is sometimes shown with a consort, Yami, and sometimes pursued by Yamantaka (conqueror of death).~~Wiki
Souls who haunt us, a lot of them are HUNGRY GHOSTS. They have an appetite for things life has to offer, but they lack their five senses. They want sex, because they are so full of lust and not balanced that their flesh burns with craving, yet, they cannot have sex. Some want to eat, but they cannot and that is killing them. As a SOUL FACILITATOR, it becomes my sacred duty to show the soul that the food is as unreal as the smell of it. The sexual act is devoid of any true connection as it is as unreal as the people engaged in it. Everything the simulation shows us, is UNREAL.
In my experience, most of the hauntings or OCCURRENCES are from ancestors. Therefore ANCESTOR HEALING is absolutely tantamount to gaining success in such hauntings. The entity may be stuck due to previous past life karmas. Some people may become obsessed about someone and unknowingly start haunting them after death. Especially if death is through suicide or an accident. It is imperative in such cases to offer the soul the necessary guidance and help it needs. It needs to know that NOTHING IS REAL.
Ancestor worship typically involves rites intended to prevent revenants, vengeful spirits of the dead, imagined as starving and envious of the living. Strategies for preventing revenants may either include sacrifice, i.e., giving the dead food and drink to pacify them, or magical banishment of the deceased to force them not to return. ~~Wiki
I offer the ancestral ghosts, many are fathers and mothers. Some may need to help their aborted child to pass on, some may need to show the light to a rainbow baby or a dead sibling. It is all our responsibilities. But the 3d world is so veiled in ignorance that only very few see the truth and even fewer dedicate time and energy.
I also use KALI and her energy to work with entities. KAMAKHYA TANTRA, which is the esoteric practices of the Devi which originate from KAMAKHYA TEMPLE in ASSAM. She is the GREAT COSMIC YONI on earth, in 3d and she is one of the best energies to work with any demon, entity, spirit, whether be it a malevolent one or a benevolent one. KAMAKHYA TANTRA is the worship and invocation of the YONI. The emanation of the DASAMAHAVIDYAS may be invoked for any kind of possession work. CHINNAMASTA and DHUMAVATI too are very powerful. In fact, it is works well to do HOMA/HAVAN. Mahamrityunjaya HAVAN and japa can be very beneficial. I do perform this for people who need it.
Listen to my chanting of one of the most powerful mantras of KALI or AADYASHAKTI. I create personalized chants for my clients, so ping me if you want any Sankrit or Pali mantra chanted. I also do English spells and incantation audios.
Another simple thing I want to mention. If there is a haunting near you and someone close if affected, then immediately stop them from consuming animal products. It is known in the occult circles that animal blood has demons. In fact that is why the Cabal sacrifices children. To drink their blood because it has the potential to call forth powerful demons. It is extremely sick and perverted, but what else do you expect from the world elite?
I am going to end by saying that whatever I do, I do with the spiritual energy of KALI/TARA and the VAJRAGURU. Everything I do, I do for love of humanity and to help each soul cross over. It is my job to be your CROSSOVER GUIDE. Remember, the BARDO is unreal…
Meditate on GURU PADMASAMBHAVA and muse on the words below…
Tags: Babaji, Buddhism, divination, entities, Feminism, ghosts, Healing, humanity, Padmasambhava, paranormal work, philosophy, Relationships, Shakti, Spirit Possession, spooks, supernatural, Vajrayana, women