“Myths are made for the imagination to breathe life into them,” Albert Camus
Oh my Camus! There was a time in my life when my trinity comprised of Kafka, Camus, Sartre! But isn’t this something we would expect Camus to say. Rejoice in the ABSURDISM of life. So Camus says myths don’t really exist! But we create them and breathe life into them. This is so very much the theme I am going to be discussing. Breathing your brand of meaning into something that may or may not be seemingly meaningful…you are not being caught in this binary though, merely entertained by it. Meaning or suicide- both irrelevant! Read on…
Humans…always caught up in the frenzy of trying to find meaning. Never JUST BEING! Just doing- very apt Nike! We can just do, but hardly just be. And now more than fucking ever- we need to JUST BE!
April- a month where some very important astro players will go retrograde or will be in shadow periods. But I will be discussing Venus RX returning to have a drink with Pisces! Fuck no! Not again! Everything we have been trying to raise up from the ground and create structure will likely dissipate! WTF! We just spend all that time making that sand castle!
Hello! Sandcastles are temporary! They will crumble. The sands of time shall shift and this is our lesson my beloveds. This is our lesson. Are you going to breathe life into the myths we have created internally or externally? Are we going to birth this internal dialogue into manifestation? Camus says we should, no we must.
No matter what critics will say, they can never take away from Camus his HUGE HEART and Venus rules the heart chakra and if you notice when people operate from this place, the world often condemns them as ABSURD. Kind of like Venus retro in Pisces. ABSURD and dualistic. How we bear unhappiness because we know happiness is about to come and how life can be so bloody meaningful and entirely pointless the very next moment?
I think this feeling of abject hopelessness in the face of duality can only be overcome by the idea that we fucking stop trying to create meaning all the time. That is our first downfall. Why are we so hellbent on trying to perceive meaning? Let it lie says Venus RX in Pisces as she ingresses back to Pisces where she had just been a few moths ago and she will be there till 29th April!
Camus says the alternate to finding meaning is committing suicide! Philosophical suicide! What else is there to live for? You might be dead anyways if you don’t philosophise! There is no meaning in life or in death- as Camus would have us know, but there is only ENTERTAINING death and life and never becoming slave to one or the other! What a profound thought! Echoing esoteric philosophy! JUST BE! Entertain as in stay in play- lila. Play with the Universe!!! But always maintain a sense of detachment. So Buddha-like!
Why am I harping about Camus? Past lovers are going to create havoc with our senses…Venus RX…HELLO? Yes Camus mystified me with that iconic image of his. That cigar in his mouth. So sexy and French(Algerian??!!) Enough with that, I will probably curl up with The Rebel as I sip my chamomile in bed. Motivation for rebellion and revolution! Been my motto, so to speak. What does Beelzebub stand for? Fucking REBELLION!
Venus is in charge of your GUT as well. They are now saying that the gut is your second brain and is obviously connected to your heart as well. Remember to keep taking those probiotics. Healthy gut bacteria can make a human function optimally. Make sure you don’t have Leaky Gut Syndrome or its onset. In fact, leaky gut has been linked to celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis (MS), autism, cancer… and the list goes on. The connection between leaky gut and chronic illness makes sense because a) approximately 70% of your immune system cells are found in your gut, and b) the chronic inflammation caused by leaky gut is what can lead to inflammatory disease.
“All Disease Begins In The Gut” -Hippocrates
Stay away from GMO Soy, corn, refined vegetable oils(which we use in abundance in India), white refined sugar and processed food. Avoid dairy. Look at going Vegan even if for a week to see how you feel. Eat cabbage, lentils, green beans and quinoa. Soaked and sprouted nuts such as almonds and walnuts are also good sources of L-glutamine which is the remedy for this disease. Yoga can be a lifesaver as it gives the internal organs a massage. Consult a doctor for supplements and practise UTTANASANA or the STANDING FORWARD BEND pose. Use Amber, Citrine or Blue Lace Agate to heal your abdominal issues. You can email me for details on this.
Venus is dissolving all sorts of concepts of love we held, images of ex lovers we still carry in our hearts, she is screaming for us to let go once and for all…all those hidden wounds of the heart. Invoke Venus to heal you with forgiveness issues. Forgive ex lovers, and family members, especially if you’ve had any financial problems with them.
However, there is a softness to this energy that I have been feeling. It has made me so emotional. There is so much happening in my life and so much not happening that I want should happen. This happening and not happening was driving me to a frenzy.
I had to calm down and take the evening off, even though I had bookings. Overwhelming and deep are these emotions that are arising in my heart. Just recently one of my exes got in touch with me. I had broken it off with him when I was sixteen. So that was ages ago and there was nothing to it. But this time when he came back to my life, I realised how DISCONNECTED we are. How very different are our FREQUENCIES and paths and they have always been! Like wtf was I thinking? Venus send me a blessing and the whole plot sort of untraveled before my eyes. There was nothing to do, but just BLOCK!
That is what you need to do- BLOCK! If someone is a psychic vampire(lover, friend, financial partner) then just dump them and move on. I know it is not so easy if you are committed through contracts or other formalities, but remember this retrograde cycle of so many biggies going retro will make us PURGE what we need to.
There is a seductive energy to all this whirling Venusian RX energy. Today you can charm anyone if you set your mind to it. Yes even that cute guy at yoga class. Lol! I am not kidding guys…today you can finally ask your dream date out. The chances are high that he or she will say yes. But do it with style, with panache! Don’t suffocate her. Let her independent streak be honoured as Venus would have it that way. All I say is keep your mommy diamond ring still in the safe. No don’t even get her to try it out. Hold still till the planets shake off this sluggish, unsure energy.
If you’re single, then a little self pleasure hurt nobody! So figure out what works for you and make yourself happy. Alternately you can go out and try to find someone. You may be surprised.
If you’re not really lapping up the sexual vibes, then please use this energy to broadcast UNIVERSAL LOVE to the whole plane of existence and beyond. Meditate, plant trees, hug trees, have sex with them(ecosexuality)…do whatever makes you happy!
Some of you are feeling on nerves’ end, jittery, on edge! Yes this astro definitely can make you lapse into sadness. If you suffer from depression, it might act as a catalyst, so it is imperative you continue your soul work.
Keep mindful and definitely keep healthy during these times. In fact, a lot of you will not feel like eating much. Greens, nuts and seeds should work. Do pumpkin seeds. I am chomping some right now and they are delicious. Don’t hanker after illusive dreams regarding finance right now. Be careful and do not go for any major investments. Just ask Venus to feed your intuition, she does it so well.
All said and done, let me tell you that Venus in Pisces can be incredibly healing if you manage to FREE yourself…free yourself from redundant hateful ideas, free yourself from bigotry, free yourself from DIS-ease, free yourself from slavery of any kind…just ask VENUS to set you free. Fly high, like an eagle…soar on the wings of truth!
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion…Albert Camus
Tags: Existential banter, Family, humanity, Love, Marriage, Mind, mother, organic food, philosophy, rants from the underground, Rebellion, sex, these times, Universal Love, utopia, Yoga
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