I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness; I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too. I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquillity will return once more… Anne Frank
My sweeties I don’t have a better way to begin this convo today. The quote above sums it up pretty fucking decently. The last few days have been so charged with fertile chaotic energy and for me it brought about ancient karmic connections. Someone from many, many past lives walked right back in. It has been so hectic, meeting people. Yes lovelies, people from my past.
Just last night I had this amazing dinner and long-drawn out convo with an old friend who also happens to be from a famous Bollywood family. The convo was about U.G and Jiddu Krishnamurthi, Archetypes and primordial memory! And of course there were convos about old actors, directors, huge movie stars and the whole industry in general. Acid trips and Vipasana. Venus in retro does leave such astounding gems for us to glean and if we manage to obtain what we are meant to, then we are infinitely wiser. Even though we may not realise it that moment. Sometimes it takes people a whole Venus cycle to reconnect the dots.
See Venus in retro is making me revalue all my ideas and notions regarding concepts of art, cinema, beauty, finances. I mean, I have worked in the media industry for over a decade and am still very much a part of it. I have been finding closure or answers or more questions to concepts regarding these matters. I have been reevaluating my own constructs that I have created. I am sure all of you are going through these same self enquiries. I know collectively we are seriously looking into matters Venusian and this time with an introverted lens. We are journeying inside with these concepts and letting our intuition guide us.
Cinema is ruled by Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. So the topic of cinema pops up. Today there is a dreamy cinematic quality to life that you can tune into. Yes the authorship of today’s events is in your hands and boy can you make it MAGICK!
Mars in Taurus sextiles Neptune(look up your time zone) and suddenly boof! Our spiritual sensitivities are stirred. You wake up with a dreamy feeling. Your antennae are picking up vibrations from some sort of fairy tale world. Your very own fairy tale. You forget that you are a debt slave, working nine to five to pay off EMIS and other loans. You forget that you have to drive to work for an hour and a half through crowded city traffic. You forget that you are a slave to money. You shed off the incessant need to try to be NUMBER FUCKING 1.
No! You relinquish all that madness. You find a moment, far from the madding crowd and you light a candle in your heart. This day is full of potential for empathy and kindness. Why don’t you find a suitable way to explore this theme, but remember to keep it spiritual as Neptune will have you do.
If you can make everything in front of you SPIRITUAL, then the battle is won. You have created an infinity-sacred-space! If you decide to meditate today, then consciously send out healing energy to the whole world. See the love radiating from your heart chakra and kiss it forward. To help and heal. To be the balm that people need. You need to be the Goddess and the Hero today. You need to create your very own heaven. If you need a Yidam or a deity to concentrate upon, then you can invoke Blue Tara or Nila Saraswati today. Blue because of the Neptunian influence.
The Blue Tara is very effective to quell anger. She is called Ekajati and is an emanation of wrathful feminine energy. She can transmute bad karma into swift spiritual awakening. Therefore she suggested herself to me. Use her energies. Chant her mantra- OM) BHIM TARE VRIM. Visualise her as sapphire blue.
You can use lapis lazzuli or blue sapphire. Although before you don a sapphire, I would suggest you get your natal chart looked at by a gem therapist who will see Saturn’s placement before you can wear it. I have seen contradictory results with the use of sapphire. In my own life.
The position for today will be the TREE POSE! This will bring the necessary equilibrium you need. Still your mind and body in unison. Place the crystal near your heart chakra while you perform this.
I leave you with a very potent number- 719 481 71. This number will manifest your plans and thoughts into tangible reality. Write it on your left wrist, recite it mentally or just carry it in your wallet.
Thank You!
Email me- tina@tinaheals.com