Change in all things is sweet… Aristotle
Mystical rectangle in the air people! The astro for this one is so remarkable that I had to jot down these thoughts. I for one am on a HUGE, LIFE CHANGING Transformational path.
I cannot tell you how my life path has changed dramatically from 2014. 2015 and 2016 were whacked out and I am still making sense of what is going on. Leaving behind so much of what was not authentic ME, I was forced to leave everything behind. I was put on the path of the DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL. I survived.
Somehow, I survived…
But what of the sweet astro? The mystical sacred geometry beckons us to a soace/time of MAGIC! Yes this is very favourable for any MIND-BENDING MANIFESTATIONS you need to get done. Maybe something you’ve been planning. Something you have always dreamt of.
If you have felt like your dream could never see light of day, it is time to change that POV. I am also getting my dreams going…FULL SNOW MOON and ECLIPSE TIME!!!
There is something about the full moon’s gravitational pull that affects the human chemistry in such a sway as to cause many of us to experience varied levels of anxiety and other uncomfortable mental related issues.
As we are made up of approximately 77% water it seems safe to say that the cycles of the moon may indeed have some very critical role to play in the tides of our minds as well. The term loony and the words lunatic and lunacy all come from the moon’s association with mental behaviour. In short, the MOON SENDS ELECTRICAL ENERGIES down below.
Okay I know you guys have heard this a million times- Full Moons are all about CULMINATION! So whatever energies have been set in motion during the last NEW MOON, will in some way find completion. But friends- this is no NORMAL FULL MOON. No, it is an ECLIPSE PORTAL. We have already delved into the importance of the eclipse energy.
Manifestation energy is available to us right now and in huge proportions. Do you have something that is coming full circle in your life? Depending on your planetary positions, and where personal planets are placed, you will fell this intense eclipse energy. But even if you do not have personal planets in the degrees of the eclipse that is in Leo, you will still feel it.
In fact collectively, we have been gearing up for these eclipses all through 2015 and 2016.
Emotions are very intense- for most of us. I have been feeling so very antsy these last few days. I got my natal chart tattooed on my back and am in convalescence. But still, I cannot ignore the intensity that we are building up to. Yes there may be extra drama, conflicts and family misunderstandings.
I am feeling that this eclipse energy will centre around RELATIONSHIPS…this will put a spotlight on our relationships with ourselves, family, friends and the Earth and sentient lives at large. I have been facing lots of conflicting energies and I know how hard it has been for some of you.
It will be worth your while to investigate all your relationships…thoroughly…
I know a lot of you will be changing LIFE PATHS. This is inevitable. With technology, life as we know it is changing. Work and office jobs are too. We, with Uranian energy and Pluto in Cap, are creating a new life for us. A new way to look at reality.
Do we need mundane jobs that technology can replace? No we don’t. We need more creativity and healing. Less competition. More inclusion if we are to survive. So what will we do? Restructure our lives to fit into our soul goal.
Okay I know this sounds all wishy-washy, but if you seriously ask me to tell you the truth- here it is…IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE.
I am doing it. Manifesting each thought and dream. And I can show you how. It is not that complicated. And if you seriously look, everything is energy. I have recently begun to work with Past Life Regression therapy and I can tell you, it has changed my life. I will share more on that later.
Don’t be scared if your path is completely changed. Know this is for your soul growth. And why should you be scared of the new? A new direction might be just what you need! Maybe you are being unable to face it.
I was contemplating changing my whole life for a bit. I had gained so much weight after my pregnancy, felt unfit and demotivated. I have managed to shed most of that weight and each day I keep at it. It felt so good to fit back into my old denims. It was sublime. And you know how it happened? Not with exercise, not with diet…but with acceptance.
Yes accepting myself and integrating polarities within, I saw that the weight dropped off. Yes a deeper love for yourself will bring you closer to your self image. So there…and this eclipse portal can make things crystal clear. You can now see the change you want to be.
Grab a pen and paper. Light your sage incense and candle. Sit with your spine straight and spend time journaling. Write down your thoughts…what is working for you? What is not? How can you become FREER AND BOLDER, more confident in your approach? You can chant RELEASE-RESISTANCE while journaling. This will really help you release and heal.
Meditating is a great activity this eclipse. Dancing will work just as fine. Listen and study all the hidden signs and messages from your unconscious. They will answer a lot. You can even do a rock salt foot bath while meditating. Soak yourself in a tub of essential oils if you can. This will super charge your batteries. Activate water energy whenever possible.
Tell me what do you remember of September 2016? That eclipse cycle happened in the Pisces sign. Those energies could very well culminate and you could be shoved on your destined path. But the Pisces confusion should clear up. The Leo vibrations will be more impactual.
Remember Leo’s keywords- ORIGINALITY, CREATIVITY. Leo moons, Sun and ascendants will fell this very heavily. My Mercury is in Leo, in the degrees of the eclipse and I am already fired up intellectually.
Whatever dies out- let it be. Even relationships. But whatever stays, nurture it. This lunar eclipse occurs at 22 degrees Leo. Loads of drama. Full Moon in Leo opposite an Aquarian Sun. Fire fuelled by air. This energy portal will close with the Solar eclipse at the next New Moon on Feb 26th.
Leo also rules children, or our own ‘inner child’, or early childhood so the eclipse can also influence these fields of experience, and can manifest as an action, a revelation or a big decision. This Leo energy can also influence creative pursuits or passion projects, or a manifestation of coming into one’s own and expressing oneself authentically.
PREDESTINATION is a good film to watch during this time. The plot line is so rife with “uncommon intelligence” and teases the brain while touching the heart. My pick this eclipse season is this mind bending time travel saga.
Music recommendations would be FOLK MUSIC. From wherever. Google and search folk music and make it come alive in your heart and soul. Instrumental pieces would work well. Sarod’s vibrations would be perfect. Let me put on some Ustad Amzad Ali Khan.
Keep it simple when it comes to food. Avoid alcohol and non vegetarian food items. Eat leafy greens and juices. Have loads of coconut in your diet. Oil, milk, water. Shredded coconut in salads and curries. Anyway you like it.
Tratak is also very effective during such times and you can do one better by pairing it with pranayam. Consult me if you need to know how to get started. Discipline is of utmost importance and the ability to face truths. No matter what it is, face it headlong. No more avoiding. PURIFY!
The greatest thing you can do for yourself is to tap into the hidden feminine mysteries and energies that society has tried to suppress. Even if you are a man. Accept that feminine in you, embrace it and GROW. Integrate the feminine and masculine, within you and then you will see how sublime life is.
You know most astrologers are pushing ahead with the theme of BOLDNESS. I can feel it too. This sense of FREEDOM and AUTHENTIC BOLD SELF EXPRESSION that is stemming from all of us. We are learning INDIVIDUALITY in a COLLECTIVE. Leo/Aquarius polarity will teach us that. We need to feel this BOLDNESS. Experiment and evolve. Even if you are not feeling particularly bold, fear not…
Just let go…of fears, inhibitions, complexes, feeling dejected…it is time to bury all this shit. If you manage to do this, you can tap into this COSMIC BOLDNESS that the astro is providing. REBOOT YOUR SYSTEM!!!
Last week January 6-11 the Sun in Capricorn has triggered the T-square of Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter. What does this mean? FULL ON MANIFESTATION MOJO. Tap into it. Capricorn’s ruler Saturn gives us stability and surety in our manifestations.
Where is Pluto in this mix? Sitting with the Sun in Aquarius. Pluto will bring transformation like nothing else and it is ready to do so. Venus and Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter is in shadow period and Mars in Aries, Merc is direct in Capricorn…what a mix we have ladies and gentlemen!
Chinese New Year begins January 28 and is the Year of the Fire Rooster. Eclipse season begins early this year on February 10-11 with the first lunar eclipse in Leo and February 26 for the first solar eclipse in Pisces. August will be our other eclipse period. Pretty intense astro if you ask me!
February packs a heavy punch by triggering all these eclipses and a new beginning for all of us…LOVE, PEACE, TRUTH…may they shine!!!
Glowing orb of red-yellow LED
Whispers of changing times
A lost journey suddenly found!
This Snow Full Moon…
Good one…Nice article
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